Manners at dojo

Q: Is it OK to wear a sport wear when I visit a dojo for karate experience?

A:For those of you who are wondering if you can visit dojo with sport wear or not, we recommend that you either bring your karate uniform (karategi) with you or purchase one in Okinawa. Shops you can purchase karategi is Shureido ( in Naha or Ippondo in Okinawa city (central area).

3-2 1 Chome, Uechi, Okinawa-city, Okinawa
TEL: 098-933-0711

You could also rent a karategi at Airent or at Karate Kaikan if you are participating in one of their Karate programs.

Q:Would you tell me about manners at dojo?

A:Dojo is regarded as a sacred place by karate practitioners.
Please pay respect and be mindful of good manner.

・When you take off your shoes, please put them aside and get them out of the way for others.
・Make sure to bring a bottle of water and towel.
・Take off your watch, jewelries, socks when you practice.
・Keep your talking minimum until practice is over
・Put your money in a plain envelop when you make a payment to sensei: do not just hand it, or use a fancy envelop
・Ask for permission before you take photos of dojo, sensei etc.
・If you are a black belt holder, it is recommended that you bring both black and white belts: you should wear a white belt first. If sensei urges you to wear your black belt, only then you can wear it.

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